Every year, the community and our staff have an incredible opportunity to donate to the Cloquet Community Scholarship fund in an effort to provide scholarships for our seniors. Each year, we get a large number of applicants who apply for this scholarship and then interview with our Cloquet Community Scholarship committee. I am blessed to sit in on the interviews and listen to our students talk about the impact of their teachers, their most memorable experiences as a Cloquet student, and how they hope to give back to the Cloquet community someday.

Because of our generous donors, a high proportion of applicants receive some sort of scholarship, ranging from $100-$2500. The thing that I appreciate most about CCS is that we are able to provide money to deserving seniors who may not receive other financial support. These scholarships not only provide financial support, but they also give students a boost of self-confidence and pride. What a gift we can give them as they embark on their next adventure!

Cloquet Senior High School exterior
Cloquet High School
Cloquet Area Alternative Education Program