
Applications are now closed for the 2023-2024 Cloquet Community Scholarship. Please check back in December 2024 for next year’s application.


The Cloquet Community Scholarships will be awarded each year to deserving Cloquet High School and Cloquet Area Alternative Education Program seniors.  Awards will be made based on participating in school and community activities, academic achievement, and appropriateness of high school course selections, character, leadership, and financial need.  Payment of the awards will be made following completion of Semester I with enrollment verification for Semester II to those winners attending a post-secondary institution.

The online form will be used for selection of scholarship recipients.                          



Community and Business Scholarships

  • Each applicant must complete an application online.  Applications were due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, February 19, 2024.
  • There will be a brief interview process with the Cloquet Community Scholarship Committee to be held on March 13, 2024.
  • Information will be confidential and for the sole use of scholarship committee personnel. 
  • If you have any questions, contact a counselor at 218-879-3393 or via the CHS Counseling Office.

Education Minnesota – Cloquet

Each year the Education Minnesota – Cloquet grants scholarships to graduating seniors who are Cloquet teachers’ sons or daughters.  

The same online form will be used for the Community and Business Scholarships and the Education Minnesota – Cloquet Scholarships.

Marvin Rintala Memorial Scholarship

Marvin C. Rintala, a retired professor of political science who taught at Boston College for four decades, died on September 9, 2021 at age 87.

“Professor Marvin Rintala was a beloved political science professor at Boston College,” said W. Paul White, a former student of Dr. Rintala and former director of government affairs at [Boston College]. “Marvin was brilliant, witty, incisive, and passionate about the study of European political systems and the personalities of the leaders of these countries. He inspired generations of Boston College students to study, understand, and appreciate the systems of government ‘across the pond.'”

Dr. Rintala earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago, and attended Helsinki University as a Fulbright Scholar. He received master’s and doctoral degrees from the Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He later created a scholarship fund for graduates of his alma mater, Cloquet High School.

Dr. Rintala was passionate about higher education and wanted to offer the students of Cloquet High School the opportunity to advance their learning in Minnesota. To that end, he left an endowment with instructions to award scholarships for students attending the following institutions:

These scholarships will be paid directly to the institution and are equivalent to approximately one year of tuition.